story fallacies

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story fallacies

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

1. Abortion is murder-and it does not matter whether we’re talking about killing a human embryo or a human fetus
The fallacy of contradiction is evident in the statement seeing that an embryo is a stage in baby development while a fetus is a well-developed baby with vivid human features and characteristics. Similarly, some people may consider an embryo as just a cell and not a baby. The views are different for different individuals. It is a fallacy because it is inappropriate to compare the two.
2. Euthanasia is not a good thing, its murder- and it does not matter how painful ones dying may be.
The statement contains fallacy of contradiction since euthanasia is a patient’s choice for freedom from an irreversible health condition such as coma or a fatal disease. The logic applied in the statement is thus incorrect because the action of euthanasia is only perpetrated as per the patient’s decision.
3. Never loan a tool to a friend. I did once and never got it back.
The statement makes assumptions that everyone is of the same nature as the given friend who shows aspects of greediness. A single instance is not enough to conclude that all other cases will have a similar outcome (Woods 12). The statement demonstrates stereotypical thinking thus showing the fallacy of hasty generalization.
4. Going to church on a regular basis is bad for your health, instead of sitting in a pew for an hour each Sunday; you’d be better off taking an hour’s…

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