statement of teaching philosophy

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statement of teaching philosophy

Category: Memoir Essay

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Institutional Affiliation:

Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Increasing the desire to learn new skills and concepts has been my core goal in the field of teaching. I have the mandate of cultivating learning among all the students who are known to be operating under different capabilities. The diverse nature of the students’ capability to grasp new ideas provides educators with the task of increasing their teaching tactics (Goodyear, 2010). As an educator, I, therefore, ensure that I provide information that is succinct and that which can be mastered with ease by the learners.

The varying needs of students have made me to provide an environment that is conducive for learning. For the students’ performance to increase, they need to have secure learning environments, and this can help them increase their social, physical and intellectual facets. All these can only be possible if the students are encouraged to share ideas and also feel free to make requests and inquiries from all educators. It is my belief that my personal engagement with the students has made them achieve more in their various areas of learning.
My mandate as an educator not only lies in the areas of assisting the students, but also ensuring different tools and frameworks that are crucial for learning. The tools have become an important part of learning as they ensure that all personalities and styles of learning are accommodated. Previously, I have been in a…

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