stage of change mock

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stage of change mock

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Services

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Stages of Change Mock
Student’s Name
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Stages of Change Mock
In the mock interview, Mr. White is an adult friend who has been fighting to lose weight ever since he moved into our neighborhood. I have noticed him practice every morning and on one occasion heard him deny the offer of a carbonated soft drink from a close friend. Unfortunately, he was hardly losing weight and felt discouraged to continue following the weight loss program. After realizing how I managed to maintain healthy body weight, White found it necessary to learn and use my strategies with the anticipation that they would help him to achieve his objectives. From my assessment, it was evident that White was still in the preparation stage as he mentioned having consulted a therapist, joining a health club, and switching to lower-fat foods.
After realizing that the individual was still in the preparation stage, it was evident that he had a high chance of adopting the proper behavior change as observed by Karapanos (2016). However, I noted that he had not formulated clear goals and realistic expectations that would help him to stay motivated and committed to achieving weight loss. Therefore, the lacking focus was responsible for his failure to achieve the anticipated weight loss. I encouraged the individual to formulate clear goals and expectations as well as consider long-term success to be the source of motivation instead of focusing on short-term targets. Setting realistic goa…

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