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Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

A Spreadsheet could be a piece of paper that one put data in row and column form. It could be a computer program that is similar to the paper but more complicated but more advantageous than the physical one. The electronic spreadsheet captures data, display, and stores data input in it for easy retrieval and manipulation of the information in it. Daniel brick first designed it in 1978 was called VisiCalc
A Spreadsheet contains small box-like structures that are called Cells. They are usually referenced with letters and number, for instance, B1. The labeling is in row and column for easy trace of the cell in question.
Microsoft Excel is the popularly know type of spreadsheet but, in-depth research reveals five more types of worksheet mostly not known to the majority. Kingsoft spreadsheet is one of them (Fisher par. 3). It has a beautiful interface and can work with more than a hundred formulas. OpenOffice is another one, it more difficult to use than the Microsoft excel. Excel, spread 32 and Gnumeric are among the not so know to the public.
Spreadsheet present endless possibilities when it comes to manipulating numeric data. Some of its uses include; household finance planning, arithmetic expression (subtracting, addition, division, and multiplication) statistical analysis. The spreadsheet can be used to in health institution to record patient’s data as well as in shops for keeping stock records.
What baffles me is that the…

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