Sports Essay

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Sports Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Sports

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Health and Fitness
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Health and Fitness
The incorporation of fitness and wellness to a person’s life offers life-long benefits. First, such a lifestyle goes as far as preventing conditions such as dementia and the Alzheimer’s disease. Through active participation in exercises such as flexibility training and cardiovascular training, the levels of energy molecules, enzymes and mitochondria rise. Increased physical fitness also leads to prevention of some of the leading causes of death in the 20th and 21st centuries, including diabetes (White, 2013). Physical fitness prevents diabetes by ensuring that the insulin levels remain at the standard levels. Fitness and health also lead to proper management and possible improvement of existing chronic conditions such as obesity. For people struggling to manage their weight, the incorporation of various health-related components of physical fitness is necessary. Cardiorespiratory fitness, for instance, is necessary towards increasing the extent of oxygen flow into the bloodstream.
Personally, I would incorporate a variety of physical fitness exercises as part of my daily routine. Despite having a tight schedule most often, I would create at least 1 hour on weekdays and 2 hours during weekends for physical exercises. To ensure that the exercises yield fruit, I would find a way of noting down any notable changes in the course of the exercise. Hypothetically, for a friend suffering f…

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