Sport scholarship essay

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Sport scholarship essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Sports

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Sports Scholarship
I was introduced to sports when I was a kid and barely able to walk. Since then, I have grown to love being part of any competitive game, participating as a player or a fan. In the process, I have been selected for various sports in our school and the captain for three teams; that is, football, athletics, and hockey. I have always been praised for my athletic body and every time recommended for a different game by our school coaches depending on which competitive games the school was currently taking part in.
Two years back, I joined the hockey and the tag rugby teams. We managed to secure the tournament’s number one trophy, and I was voted the man of the match during the finals in both games. However, my love for football has been higher than most sports, and for a year now I have been putting more focus on perfecting my skills in playing football. I have captained my football team to win a few trophies since the year began and we have been continuously praised for being the best team in the region. Currently, we still have our tournament games taking place every Thursday, and I have successfully combined the matches with the ongoing 100-meter races since I am ranked as the fastest student in school.
I am responsible, hardworking, disciplined and respectful. According to Clarke (1), such character reflects the basic skills possessed by every captain. Besides, my leadership qualities have enabled m…

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