Spiritual Awareness Meditation

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Spiritual Awareness Meditation

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Spiritual Awareness- Meditation
Institutional Affiliation
Spiritual Awareness- Meditation
The human nature is to continually respond to various influences and stimuli from the environment using our senses (Vivekananda, 2015). The response originated from the mind which guides the sensory organs to appreciate and respond to the changes in the environment. However, there are times when the constant response is overwhelming thus the need to give the body and mind a rest. In my case, I obtain the rest through the process of meditation. Ideally, the process of meditation is an activity in which the individual decides to shut out the stimuli from the environment and allow the brain to remain calm and unresponsive to the surrounding chaos.
The activity I performed to develop my spiritual awareness was meditation, a process that allowed my mind to remain calm and unresponsive to the environmental stimuli. At the onset, it was difficult to focus on meditation because it was a new concept. I continually found my mind wandering to explore different interruptions. However, with practice and additional study on the requirements of meditation, I was successful in shutting out the interferences a focusing on calming my mind and thought process (Vivekananda, 2015). An aspect that helped to hone my thoughts was the repetition of the humming sound in my mind which allowed me to focus on the mediation process.
The outcome of the activity was an immense clarity on the different is…

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