Solve reflective questions

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Solve reflective questions

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Reflective questions
In our everyday life, we are faced with some challenges which we ought to overcome or develop strategies that will help us cope with every situation. As human beings, others are better at managing this situation while others have to struggle and in dealing with the situation so as to coexist with others. It due to this that I took the initiative to evaluate myself and to be honest the results turned positive the way I expected. Since I was young, my parents taught me that when anger rises I should think of the consequences of any action I intend to take. This is exactly what manifested itself from the evaluation. At times people provoke me, this has gone a long way in teaching me the importance of compromising on a situation so as to cool everything down instead of alleviating what could have easily been solved.
As long as there is an interaction between people, disagreement is prone to happen. This has particularly happened to me with my roommates. It is hurting to be burdened with cleaning the room every now and then whereas those you should share the responsibilities with neglect everything. This also has manifested itself when at home with my siblings. Despite all these, I have had a consistent method of solving this. I try my best to accommodate them and share with them how I feel and what I think should be done to avert possibilities of a disagreement occurring again.
Regarding how I have managed to handle e…

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