Solutions for vulnerable Populations presentation

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Solutions for vulnerable Populations presentation

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Criminal Behavior among Teens
(Institution)Criminal Behavior among Teens
Criminal behavior among teenagers within a community qualifies as a social problem. According to Sullivan (2012), a criminal behavior includes all actions that threaten the social order. The effects of criminal behavior among teenagers spread to the people around them mainly their immediate families and friends. Teenagers, especially those considers as the group leaders within their social circle can influence the rest of the members into participating in criminal actions when they are part of it. As a result, the number of criminal teenager’s rises and the circle continues as more and more friends are drawn into the criminal act. The result is always an uprising of a gang of criminals made up of teenagers destroying the peace within a community. There are usually high changes than an individual will lose their families members through gunshots, arrested or even health complications for the case of criminal activities such as drug abuse. Furthermore, there will be cases where people within the community will stop trusting other members and hence destroying friendship and relationships in the neighborhood.
The society plays a significant role in shaping the behavior of teenager’s right from childhood. In every community around the country, there are set of social morals that are passed to children in schools, churches and at home to enable then distinguish between what is right and wrong. Des…

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