Soft Drink Industry

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Soft Drink Industry

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Common Sizing Financial Statements
Common sizing financial statements provide a comparison of the financial performance of different companies within the soft drink industry. It provides the management with the trend in the financial performance of the company within a given timeline as compared to other companies of different sizes in the same industry. The statements can be used for benchmarking to see where a company stands in the industry as reflected by the elements captured in the financial statements (Pratt and Salimi 189). As a result, the management is in a position to identify the strengths of the company in the market. Furthermore, it provides an insight into the weakness and threats the company faces from its competitors in the industry. In this case, the management can adopt measures that will enable the company to have a competitive advantage in the market.
Coca-Cola’s tangible resources include strong financial and physical resources. Under the physical resources, the company owns property inform of building and machinery, plants and equipment. The company has a modern head offices split into four departments and bottling partners. The departments include the marketing, Human Resources, the ICT and Sales. At the factory, the company is divided into two parts, that is, the IC and Production. The intangible resources include the technological resources, the company’s reputations, technical expertise, intellectual property…

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