Sociology Creative writing

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Sociology Creative writing

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Society and Culture

I went to Colombia and spent three weeks working with an audit team. I experienced different cultures in the business environment even though I speak Spanish. I experienced my first culture difference in a meeting with my colleagues. When greeting particularly between men, it is a common practice to use a firm handshake, maintain eye contact and smile throughout. It brings out confidence showing that the other party is a good listener with confidence, concern, empathy, interest and most importantly, excitement. When a woman is being greeted, especially if you have ever met before, it is generally accepted to kiss her on the right cheek. It shows that the other party likes you and you have already established a rapport between you.
The second culture difference I experienced was that the employees started working at around 6:30 AM. It makes them maximize on their day and plan it out perfectly to achieve the days’ goals. The workers get shots espresso black coffee in the mornings and afternoons. This culture is seen as an easy way to make the employees happy and on the site most of the day. It also improves productivity since it boosts morale yet it is cheap. There is a person that comes to the office and shines shoes. It helps create a good impression on the people at first appearance since to see a well-dressed man, the first thing to look at is the shoes. The people in the office were friendly, and they love telling inter…

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