Sociological Imagination Unemployment

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Sociological Imagination Unemployment

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Sociological Imagination: Unemployment
According to Mills (1), people tend to get the wrong perception of the social problems since they focus more on the individual situations than the contribution of the society they live in. As a result, Mills’ article advice on the use of sociological imaginations, an approach of understanding the world around us and linking it to the problems we experience.
A society consists of all elements in the environment where we live in. The community of unemployed people comprises of qualified, semi-qualified and unqualified individuals who have been laid off from work, are yet to secure jobs in any industry and are currently dependent on the government subsidies for survival.
The essential components include the government policies, education programs and industries contributing to the aspect of unemployment in the society. Moreover, it consists of a group of people experiencing similar social problems, in this case, unemployment.
The connection between the parts is that there is a lack of proper government employment policies and inadequate educational curriculum creates a pool of trained personnel with limited places to work.
Unlike most societies, America has more private companies and institutions than the government-owned. In this case, there is no much the government can do to solve the issues of unemployment in the country. They can only liaise with the private sectors and using academic…

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