social movements assignment 4

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social movements assignment 4

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Social Movement in Campuses
What do you believe are the cause(s) for the lack of social movements on U.S. campuses since the 1960s and 1970s?
In 1960s the United States was fighting for civil rights trying to ensure that people were part of the decision making rather than a small group of influential people. The student’s movement from campuses was starting to make an impact where white students would match to demonstrate against racism, poverty, ending Vietnam War and increasing the rights of the students. The students were trying to fight for a democracy that would let the people participate in political, economic and social factors. The student’s main purpose in the fight was to give people the power to fight for political and economic changes. The student formed a Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and by 1968 the movement had managed to attract more than 100, 000 students across the United States. The student managed to influence the change in women and environmental movements. However, despite the impact they made in their country, the students started feeling frustrated because the war in Vietnam was escalating and poverty increasing and they thought that resulting to violence would help.
Is that a loss or a gain for the United States?
At that moment, despite the fight for participatory democracy, the campus students started to admire other form of governance like those in China and Cuba which were succeeding in ensuring equality and…

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