Social Harmony

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Social Harmony

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Social Harmony
Student’s Name
Institution of Affiliation
Social Harmony
I agree that in the service of the social accord, politeness does little encouragement of portraying negative feelings even when present. On the contrary, it inspires the manifestation of positive sensations even in their absence, and many people respond similarly. The society, in general, teaches people to be good to others even when they do wrong, are offensive or when they say something wicked. However, this approach limits the freedom of speech, and at the same time, people are not honest with themselves or the other person.
Sugar coating everything or failing to tell another person how you feel do more harm than good. Honesty is the best policy and being honest might save a relationship or friendship. People take the easy root of lying so that others do not see them as corrupt persons, or not to hurt the feelings of others. Nonetheless, hiding the true feelings or saying good things makes an individual more negative. Furthermore, ultimately the real feelings will come out, and then the reality will check in when things turn out ugly (Hogg et al., 2017).
I happened to captain my community basketball team, and over the years I have dealt with many leadership issues. I have learned the community members were unwilling to point out the team members who were costing us good performance, in a bid to maintain the desirable mood in the team. Others missed practice sessions without proper reason but…

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