Situational Leadership Theory

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Situational Leadership Theory

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275


Situational leadership theory states that one management style cannot be relied upon by a leader to serve the purpose in every situation rather flexibility in leadership styles to adapt the situation, this always brings out the best in all the members of the team. There are two basic levels of leadership behavior which are:
Supportive behavior where the primary focus is on the development of the team and urges all members of the team to participate in each activity. Motivation is the driving factor
Managerial behavior in which the leader allocates each member different tasks according to how fit they are to perform them. He establishes What, How and when a job is set to be done. (Obolensky, 2017)
There are four styles of leadership under this theory which guide leaders on what method to use in different situations. They include:
The leader tells- The leader makes the decisions and passes them down to others. Communication is from top bottom, and those in lower ranks have to accept instructions as they come without question. Mostly works in a disaster situation.
The leader sells- In this style, the leader may come up with different roles for the team members, but also they are open to receiving opinions and new suggestions about the decisions they have just made.
The leader participates- Decisions are left in the hands of the followers even if they take part I the decision-making process.
The leader delegates- In this sc…

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