Separation of Power

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Separation of Power

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Separation of Power
According to the law, the federal and state governments have different powers although, to some extent, the federal governments have an influence on state governments. The federal government retains substantial powers which it interferes with the affairs of the state governments (Wilson 35). It can correctly be said that there is no division of powers between the two levels of government because the state powers get their powers mainly from the federal government.
The laws of the US are supreme especially concerning their objects, but the state laws are also supreme in some way. The state has the authority to pass legislation that applies to them. For example, the states have the power to prosecute crimes such as murder and theft, and the federal government cannot control them. Other capabilities of the state governments are the establishment of the local governments, regulation of interstate commerce and ratification of constitutional amendments (Rosenbloom 83). The exclusive powers of the federal government include the regulation of foreign commerce, conducting foreign affairs, declaration of war, the establishment of inferior courts and rising of the armies. There are powers which do not belong to any level of government. They are exercised by the federal and states government in the most effective way possible as provided under the law. These include the power to collect the tax, the power to make laws and enforce t…

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