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see question below

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Both positive and negative reinforcement are essential in instilling discipline, training, and maintaining, changing or strengthening a particular behavior. This reinforcement can be used deliberately both in school, workplaces and even at home to bring the desired outcome. Positive reinforcement motivates a person to continue doing the same good things over and over again. Positive reinforcement can be used to train even animals to adopt a particular behavior. Positive reinforcement includes giving rewards and, praise to someone who has done something right. The person will be motivated to do the same in future. Positive reinforcement can be a drawback when used in wrong situations. The negative reinforcement is meant to strengthen a particular behavior or to avoid an unwanted outcome. It involves engaging in action to avoid a negative result, and something is stopped, removed or avoided for the desired results to be achieved. Negative reinforcement involves developing new habits and stopping some old habits to avoid a negative result or an undesired outcome in future.
Keywords: Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, behavior, stimulus, action, motivates

Positive reinforcement refers to rewards that are provided to someone with the aim of changing behavior. It involves rewarding the subject when something he or she carries out the desired action. The person asso…

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