Securities and International Regulatory Agencies

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Securities and International Regulatory Agencies

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Securities and International Regulatory Agencies
Institutional Affiliation:

The study has explored the implications of ownership of intellectual property for the company and the vice president who is a new shareholder. It has explored the rights of the new invention by Bonner. The patent rights of the new technology still belong to the developing company. Provisions by the corporate law relieve the vice president of any liabilities which are related to the dispute between Bonner and the German-based company. Bonner also still owns the technology and experimental evidence is needed to prove allegations by the claimant. The study has identified the two companies as members of the world intellectual property organization (WIPO). This implies that the two companies are regulated by the WIPO convention. It has been considered that the conflict will be resolved at the WIPO arbitration and mediation center using the WIPO dispute resolution method. The procedure involves mediation as a precursor where a neutral mediator helps the two companies to reach an agreement. Its failure will lead to the next step where an arbitration tribunal will provide an enforceable award.
Keywords: ownership, rights, dispute, WIPO, procedure, arbitration, mediation, agreement, award

Ownership and Liability
Companies are usually acquired by buying assets or stock. In our case, the vice president has purchased shares when the company is about to enroll a new techn…

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