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Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Social Work

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Institutional Affiliation
Me: Salutation (good morning).
Me: Today, I am going to give you an account of a cultural event that I attended and the lessons that I drew from it.
Me: I attended a sexual orientation cultural event that specifically talked about the problems that the LGBT face in the US, ranging from sociological to political.
Me: This event was quite impactful to my life as it helped reinforce my positive and tolerant attitude to members of the LGBT community. I also understood there is a dire need for individuals to take positive measures in ensuring that stereotypes about sexuality are eliminated from our society, schools, and workplaces.
Me: From the discussion and different presentations, three basic aspects manifested themselves. These were the three basic sociology perspectives (i.e., the symbolic interactionist perspective, functionalist perspective, and conflict perspective) and how they are related to the LGBT community.
Me: The moderator of the event used examples such as the burning down of LGBT flags by people as a sign of intolerance to illustrate the symbolic interactionism perspective. The functionalist perspective was equated to the fact that LGBT community faces a lot of backlash and stereotypes in their workplaces and other functional aspects of the society and the conflict perspective shows how people are struggling to conform with many social changes, especially those that regard to sexuality.
Me: Engaging with divers…

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