Scientific Investigation

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Scientific Investigation

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Role of Crime Scene Processing and Forensic Analysis in Solving a Case.
Crime scene processing is the act of processing the crime scene in a field. Processing mainly refers to the entire task of sketching, photographing, examining and the use of field techniques to evaluate, identify, document ,process and collect testimonial, physical and fingerprint evidence. Forensic Analysis, on the other hand, is the use of documented and controlled investigative techniques to collect, identify and preserve digital information.
Crime scene processing and forensic analysis are used hand in hand in solving cases. There are many samples that are collected at a crime scene, such include a wide variety of physical evidence that can be as small as a single strand of hair and can also be in the form of solid, liquid or gas. The biological evidence includes blood, body fluids, other tissues and also hair. At the crime scene, the physical evidence may be in four different forms, such include, transient evidence, this is the evidence that is typically temporary such as temperature, odor or indentations.
In addition, there is the pattern evidence, which is solely produced by direct contact between an individual and a particular object, such include, glass fracture, material damage or even blood spatter. There is also conditional evidence that is produced by a certain effect, it entails cases such as types of wounds, color of smoke at a fire, if lights a…

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