Sales Practices

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Sales Practices

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Sales Practices
Sales/marketing industry is experiencing significant changes with globalization, new technology and high demanding from customers all posing an opportunities and challenges. Some of the sales practices are customization- aligning solutions to customer needs. Most of the organizations have to change to keep up with the competition to new market trends or new technologies. Changes Including restructuring, process advancement, technological advancement, and new product line are all familiar to the business environment. In this study will focus on changes that occur within the company. According to organization change include process change, structural, people and strategic. After the decline of the online advertising prices, Ward should make either hired or made a rotation of employees to a new position. Instead, he delegated his authority to another CEO who I believe do not understand the marketing using a website. Also, ward should have considered a site based stores to keep the customer satisfied.
There is one type of commission; straight commission which pays a percentage commission on sales. This type of commission is divided into the following; collection versus billing- if a commission is spent on the commission the, the company is taking precaution that the salespeople do not sell their schedules to advertisers who are unable to pay their bills (Charles, 6). "Therefore, is better to settle on billing than co…

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