Safe Spaces vs Freedom of Speech

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Safe Spaces vs Freedom of Speech

Category: Math Problems

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Safe spaces vs. freedom of speech
I choose this topic because it is a very complicated issue in our colleges and different institutions. We are all affected by safe spaces that are experienced our different colleges and universities either directly or indirectly. We are affected in a positive or negative way, and if the issues are not addressed they will end up destroying our morals, lives, and communities, safe space is a hotbed of discrimination and hate. I chose to address this topic because of my love for togetherness and would like to see students live together in harmony and peace, where no one will be tried because of his or her background, race and wealth but he or she will be tried by his accomplishments and contribution to this life and in our colleges and institution (Seleoane, M., 46). In addition to all that I chose this topic because Safe spaces is a manifestation of beliefs, opinions, and convictions, progressively prevalent amongst college scholars, that their universities should always keep them away from being “bombarded” by disturbing or distressing viewing platform. Thinking of the harmless space is the real version that can be better known as a problem that triggers a warning, a sign put on topmost of the program, syllabus or allotted analysis to alert scholars to the existence of potentially worrying material. The university should allow them as these safe spaces tend to demean freedom of speech; some students c…

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