Ruth McKinley

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Ruth McKinley

Category: Paraphrasing

Subcategory: Social Work

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Social Work and Human Services

Social Work and Human Services
Ruth McKinley’s personal needs and reactions present an opportunity to understand the main ways of human thinking and behavior. These personal needs have strong link an attachment on how behaviors are developed in the society. It affects the response to the particular situation. Empowerment theory provides a guideline in which every social worker in all levels, including families or groups should follow to identify the characteristic behaviors. This approach is workable since it emphasizes small groups for solidarity and individual support.
To some extent, the empowerment theory according to McKinley places much emphasis on the family support. However, it may symbolize a sign of weakness, therefore being a wrong approach to a social worker. The family system according to Ruth’s personal needs works to a greater extent since it creates trust in the path to issues, therefore, a sign of openness to the point being handled by a social worker. External conflict creates a unity in the family as they come together to solve a common problem facing them (Hasenfeld, 2009). This knowledge on family reaction to externalities can help a social worker approach matters with openness with a consideration of the family interest into it.
As a social worker, one of the theories that I am encountering in the field is social movement theory which tends to be the best approach to handle matters in the communi…

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