Round table

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Round table

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Environment

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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Round Table
An apparition is facing American environmentalism in the form of a paradox. Ability and sophistication are characteristics of our environmental organizations while the environment continues to go downhill. The prospects of our planet being ruined are almost becoming a reality. With the new inventions of man that happens with every rising of the sun the ecosystem is faced with more calamities. Corporations put financial freedom ahead of environmental conservation. We have invested so much in the present that we have disregarded the future. With these and many more, we have become a failed generation.
There would be no urgency in requiring and needing an appraisal if the conditions of our environment were not very dire. The escalating menace points towards emerging environmental tragedies of bizarre proportions. For example, deforestation rate in the tropical regions is at an acre per second. More than half of the temperate forests have been depleted and the tropical forests follow closely with the same rate. Marine fisheries have been fished to capacity while the nearly all the predator fish are nowhere to be seen (Tietenberg, and Lewis 5). The corals have been threatened while some species have been driven to extinction.
The activities of man led to the destruction of the stratosphere, a part of the ozone layer. The saddest part of this is that we did not realize we were destroying the layer until we be…

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