Role of Non Profit Organizations

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Role of Non Profit Organizations

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Role of Non-Profit Organizations in Democratic Government
The nongovernmental organizations are non-profit organizations that are sometimes international and operates separately from the state or the government. They usually operate on a voluntary basis with a system of self-government. They are organizations that sometimes serve the purpose of the state while others only serve the purpose of the members. There have been many scholars that have documented the role that the nation profit organizations play in a democratic government (Macdonald, 2016). Most of these nonprofit organizations are the main cogs that hold the communities together as they provide them with the platform where they can raise the issues that affect them.
In my community, several roles and responsibilities are played by the nonprofit organizations. One of them is that they provide the avenues for the communities to participate in a way that the government could not. They are the key prospect in a democratic government. Through the building of the trust and networks as well as the reciprocal, the nongovernmental organizations allow the useful functionality of the nations that are democratic. For instance, they bring together the opinions that are diverse and allow people to work together through raising issues that are of a common benefit. This issue cannot be raised in the government. The divergence of opinion is what holds a democratic country together. It allows the citizen…

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