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Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Comparison between Rococo Art and Contemporary Society
Institution Affiliation
The development of Rococo arts in the seventeenth century had a major impact on the history of arts globally. Major comparisons are derivable between Rococo to the contemporary way of life in the current society. Rococo art derived inspiration from light-heart romance. In contemporary society, there is an increase in demand for love. The young are looking for romantic relationships. The contemporary society expresses love in music and writings. Just as abundance, playfulness, and refinement fueled rococo art in the seventeenth century, general peace in the globe since World War 2 has made the contemporary society develop economically and socially. This abundance in peace and economic success has made the society adopt a carefree lifestyle. Some people in contemporary society have achieved great wealth that makes them live carefree, well knowing that they can afford nearly anything they want in life (Gaur, 2013).
With prolonged peace in most countries in modern society, life has become more light-hearted. People praise success and talent. The contemporary society is threatened by things that affect their material, cultural and psychological life. For instance, people in contemporary society are insecure about losing their jobs. People are generally unwilling to accept changes in their life brought by the increase in enlightening among the people. This scenario is quite similar to Rococo…

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