rock fracture and collapse into mine

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rock fracture and collapse into mine

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Geology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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Rock Fractures and Coal Mining
Since the ancient civilization, humanity has relied on natural sources of energy such as coal that is part of the fossil fuels. However, since the majority of the fossil fuels exist in their natural habitat, they have to be extracted through the mining process for the people to reap the benefits accrued. Mining of coal is not a new phenomenon in the United States of America but dates back to the Industrial Revolution. America has relied on, and it has played an essential role in spearheading economic growth and development. However, the demand and consumption of coal have been to the detriment of society with increasing environmental pollution associated with the extraction. Furthermore, the cases of collapsing mines are not isolated by is a characteristic of the mining process and has been witnessed in areas such as Wyoming that is common for the coal deposits.
There are disadvantages associated with the extensive mining in states such as Wyoming that have been essential coal centers in America. Since the 1860s, Wyoming has been one of the most significant sources of coal in the country and has shouldered the problems associated with the economic activity. According to the statistics, underground mining in Wyoming began in the 17th century, and the mines were not well constructed and often fell subject to subsidence, and the repercussion could be felt even on the surfa…

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