Rhetorical analysis of Ken Robinson’s video Changing Educational Paradigms

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Rhetorical analysis of Ken Robinson’s video Changing Educational Paradigms

Category: Literature Review

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Rhetorical analysis of Ken Robinson’s video Changing Educational Paradigms
In the video, Ken Robinson a creativity expert talks about changing educational paradigms. He creates a link between the three troubling trends in the education system. These include the rising drop-out rates, the dwindling state in arts as well as the ADHD. The paper main aim is to conduct a rhetorical analysis of the video. A rhetorical analysis is mainly a form of criticism that examines the interaction of an author’s message to the audience. It focuses on the presentation strategies, the language used and the objective of the author’s message. It also examines whether the primary main of the message is achieved by gauging the different style used to present the message to the audience.
Ken Robinson uses rhetorical questions to engage the minds of the participants during the talk. For instance he asks, ‘how do we educate our children to take over the economy in the next couple of years?’ The main purpose of employing this language strategy is to ensure that the minds of the audience share the same thought with him and at the same time try to reason out the various solutions to the questions. The parents who are part of the audience are thus able to figure out what is needed in the education system to make their children able to take charge of the economy in the next few years. Moreover, the use of rhetoric questions also gives the speaker a moment to reorganize his mind to tackl…

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