revising thesis

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revising thesis

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Composition

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Thesis Revision: Substance Abuse amongst the Youth
Student’s Name
Course Title
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Tutor’s Name
Hello everyone,
Based on the feedback I received from the instructor and some classmates, I conducted further research on my topic to streamline my argument with the subject of underrepresented groups in my community. My thesis focusses on substance abuse amongst the youth in our community, how it has affected them and the efforts to reduce and eliminate it.
It is unarguably clear that drug abuse amongst the youth in my community has become rampant. It is unfortunate that most of it is done at the watch of the parents, relatives, guardians, and teachers. Therefore, to change this and save our children, intentional action has to be taken by these groups of people. Each one of these groups should make it their responsibility to know what the youths are up to in a healthy way and extent. This way it is easy to identify the causes of substance abuse, its source and hence able to stop it before it affects the youth (Ashery et al., 1998).
After I had reviewed the learning activity “Choosing and Using Keywords,” I have settled on three search terms that I will use while conducting my research online. These search terms include “youth drug and substance abuse,” “adolescent substance use effects” and “actions to stop substance abuse amongst the youth.” I am convinced that using these terms will ease my search for information since th…

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