Resources and process that matter to your organization

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Resources and process that matter to your organization

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Data Resources and Processes
Institution Affiliation
This paper is going to dissect on the various types of data resources, data processing and systems of data storage that are prevailing in the current business organizations and institutions and further giving insight on the relevance of these data resources, storage systems and the data processing. The paper will also provide an analysis of two to three examples of the data tools, processes or systems that are either currently being used in my organization or that which my organization can adopt. Both short term and long term issues that might arise from the use of data tools, systems or processes and how they can cost an organization if they are not addressed or managed well will be looked at. Finally, this writes up will include at least one remedy for the above-mentioned issues in case the data resources and storage systems are not managed well. These together with others are some of the information included in the paper.
Keywords: Data resources, systems and data processing.
In the last two decades different types and forms of data resources and systems have been developed for varied roles, and currently, in the prevailing business environment, there are many types of data resources and storage systems such as Human Information Systems, Human Resource Information Systems among others. Below are storage systems used in today’s business environment that I deem very relevant?
Decision support s…

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