Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice

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Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice
Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice
An example of research evidence includes clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and evidence summaries of a topic. Clinical guidelines help support and improve decisions made in evidence-based (EB) patient care as they practice recommendations on the best evidence available. Usually, the guidelines are written by healthcare organizations like Women’s Health Association. The guidelines support care by guiding clinical staff, social services professionals or individuals living with EB while they participate in care. In complex conditions where various approaches to care seem to differ, CPGs become a useful framework to help make decisions. On the other hand, summaries on clinical topics are usually conducted by a board of experts for care use. The summaries on the topic contain appraised evidence which is recommended by the experts at the point of care.
In the development of an EBP intervention, there are safeguards requirements that tend to follow the six steps of the evidence-based practice process. The steps include asking, gathering, appraising, acting and evaluating information. The six-step process enables healthcare providers to clarify topics as they ask, gathers or appraise and then incorporate the best recommendations. Practicing the culture of inquiry is essential as it allows nurses to question the current practices. The first step of information…

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