remixed essay

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remixed essay

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Composition

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Essay remix
I will remix the essay on the portrayal of race on social media platforms. That is because the text develops on a matter that is quite controversial and touches on different issues that are affecting the society. The essay targets population from teenage to eldest age possible and education level past the primary. That means that they are capable of using the social media and reading the messages being passed there about racism. It has no limitation of gender as racial segregation affects all the genders in a population. By remixing, the essay will be better understood by everyone, and the point will be well-driven home as it will attract attention. The purpose of the text is to give an explanation of the problem which is racism and provide possible solutions to it. That is in my own opinion. To support that, I will be presenting a word it out – cloud to complete the remix. That is a form of power point presentation that has the words in the essay sorted out according to how frequently they appear in the main text. That will be easier for the audience to read them and connect them. It looks like a form of a summary of the essay that is easier and more direct to understand the topic presented.

The most prominent words in the word cloud racial, social, platforms, online, discrimination, black, segregation among many others. Words such as social and racial make it possible to get the attention of eve…

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