Religion and Government

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Religion and Government

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Religion and Government
Religion and Government
This paper demonstrates a timeline with five historical events that occurred in years pre-2000 and five current events that display the relationship between the American government, society, and religion. Authors indicate events that happened in history which prove religion and legislation are inter-related. The facts in this paper show how different religious occurrences initiated by former presidents and lawmakers determine outcomes in the American legislature. The paper equally shows how numerous states in the US eradicated formal proceedings from the church (Billitteri, 2010). Daniel (2002) illustrates how former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison intertwined religion in the House of Representatives and the nation at large during the period of 1801 to 1817. In current times, Aernout (2012) exposes how the 9/11 attack created a rift between Christians and Muslims. In 2009, Catholic bishops took part on legislation decisions of overall national health care. This paper through various authors outlines critical historical events that regarding the church, legislation, societal, and religion

Historical Events Demonstrating a Relationship between American Government, Religion, and Society
Religion and government are entities that require their independence to thrive. However, evidence from the past has shown that these two entities cannot function in complete dissolution fro…

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