Relationships of families on the Metamorphose story

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Relationships of families on the Metamorphose story

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Relationships of Families in the Metamorphose Story
A family is always a central unit that is built on the strong pillars of love among the respective members. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, families are presented as a field of betrayal where children mothers, fathers, and other relatives betray each others’ love and trust. The familial relations between the humans are characterized by a sour ending in the story (Wheelar 30). In the beginning, characters tend to appreciate the family relations by showing love to others but in the end, the elements of betrayal shadows the initial love that existed due to the familial relations.
Humans familial relations tie members to one another in such a way that an action of one family member can prompt others to do some things unplanned (Ovid 387). However, familial relations can be bat at times as Ovid points out. Indeed, when one member suffers, other members in the family set up also feel the pain. This can be justified by the way Niobe receives a punishment that calls for the violent death of all her children before being turned into a statue (Ovid 90). This shows how familial relations can be bad at times. From the story, the good thing about the family is the companion and help that members receive when undergoing some tragedies. For instance, Daphne is helped by her father to transform into a laurel tree to escape Apollo’s pursuit.
In general, the family relationships tend to be progressively…

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