Relating Nightengales theory

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Relating Nightengales theory

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Relating Nightingale’s Theory
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Relating Nightingale’s Theory
The Nightingale’s theory focuses on the medical environment with respect to effective and quality care for the patients. The theory puts into view the external factors that impact the surroundings of patients on their medical status and recovery. It also puts into view the roles of nurses in managing the environment for the benefit of patients’ safety (Norman, 2013). The theory views nursing as different from medicine whereby effective nursing entails alteration of the patient’s environment and a unique form of educational foundation (Norman, 2013). The analysis focuses on associating Nightingale’s theory with particular roles and applications that connect the theory to education, research and practice.
The theory contains four major concepts that include the person, the environment, health, and nursing. The environment involves physical elements that include cleanliness of patients’ facilities, lighting, ventilation, noise, water, sanitation, beddings, and the food taken by patients. On the specific application of the theory, effective nursing involves assessing a patient’s environment with respect to the physical elements mentioned above (Ali Pirani, 2016). The person refers to the individuals with the need of nursing care. On application, it puts into view assessing the patient’s social and physical environment that may affect his or her well-being. …

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