reflective interpretation

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reflective interpretation

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Gender and Sex

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Course Title:
How to Build a Man by Anne Fausto-Sterling
In the contemporary intellectual fashion and social discourse, men are not born but created through a masculinity construct that transcends various avenues such as poetry, sports, music videos, psychotherapy, commercials, and rap lyrics. Contrary to this perspective is the belief by medical and biological scientist that anatomy defines the truth. By considering the evidence extracted from different bodies by biologists, the essay examines the constructions of masculinity. The author analyses and interprets scientific records to determine what makes a man. In both men and women, the external genitalia develops from a common set of structures, unlike the internal genitalia which arises from different structures during embryonic development. As the author states, ‘Biologists and physicians use natural biological variation to define normality. Armed with this description, they set out to eliminate the natural variations that gave them their variations in the first place.’ (Fausto-Sterling, p. 245)
Masculinity is considered a social phenomenon at birth which is influenced by socialization in the assessment of male identification and legitimacy. Through time, young boys are programmed into acceptable adult behavior such as heterosexual activity and fantasy through socialization. Normally, a man is sexually attracted to women as a result of testosterone which distorts the brain during embry…

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