Reflection: Why are you Here?

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Reflection: Why are you Here?

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Reflection A college education is a right choice for me because it helps to expand my network in preparation for starting and advancing my career. I can have a better career option, a chance for progress, and a greater chance of landing a job. By acquiring new skills, it helps in building my skill set and the industry knowledge. Besides, the transition prepares me to new fields by equipping one with skills, knowledge, and credentials for a better working career.
My past education experience has given me the chance to interact with instructors from various departments. In addition to that, I have been able to socialize with students from various societal backgrounds (Manning, 169). The diverse connection may be of benefit for my future career since I have acquired high self-esteem when meeting different people. I have been able to participate in community services, professional groups, and industry conferences that have grown my cycle.
My main academic strengths include creativity, enthusiasm, listening, originality, problem-solving, reading, writing, and teamwork. My academic weaknesses entail lack of patient, handling too many risks, and being much honest.
By the end of this class, I hope to improve my communication, decision-making, and analytical skills. This will be significant in problem-solving for my future career.
To maximize my opportunity to succeed, I will have to get organized, study …

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