Recreational use of marijuana in America should be legalized federally

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Recreational use of marijuana in America should be legalized federally

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Composition

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Recreational use of Marijuana in America should be legalized federally
In recent past California become the first state to legalize the use of recreational marijuana. Marijuana has many medicinal benefits and doctors have been using it to in their medication for a long time. The use of marijuana as a recreation drug has been a topic in many states but they only a few are willing to legalize it. There are many arguments for and against using marijuana as a recreation drug. Some argue that using it should be a personal choice and others claim that if marijuana is legalized for recreation purpose, there would be negative effects like increased road accidents due to drivers. It is clear that this issue of legalizing marijuana for recreation purpose will have a significant effect on society.
If federal legalizes recreational marijuana will benefit in many ways. Recreational marijuana has a high demand and if it is legalized this will create high revenue for the federal government. It is estimated that legalizing marijuana would generate about $7.4 billion in revenue annually (Miron & Jeffrey, 2). This industry will continue to grow and this will create a revenue source for the government. On the other hand, our justice system if full of minor offenders with many cases of possession of marijuana. On legalizing recreational marijuana, the justice system will reduce workload which will increase efficiency injustice system and save taxpayers mo…

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