recommendation on how to build business in Russia

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recommendation on how to build business in Russia

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Economics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Recommendation on How to Build Business in Russia
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Russia is the world largest country. In this case, it provides a significant market potential to establish a business enterprise in this economy. With a population of more than 140 million people, the country indeed provides an extensive market for business establishments. As in the case of other countries, economic growth in Russia has gained momentum since 2017, this translates to a favorable external business environment constituted of improved terms of trade and the overall recovering terms of trade which have supported the country’s balance of payments positively. The most recent economic data of the Russian economy indicate a relatively favorable external environment that encourages entrepreneurship and business activities. With an increase in the country’s gross domestic product, stable political environment, low inflation levels and improved infrastructural development, establishing and building a business in Russia has now been made easier as compared to how the situation was some few years ago.
Recommendation on How to Build Business in Russia
Russia is the world largest country. In this case, it provides a significant market potential to establish a business enterprise in this economy. With a population of more than 140 million people, the country indeed provides an extensive market for business establishments. As in the case of other countries, economic growth in…

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