reality of the Stalin regime in the Soviet Union

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reality of the Stalin regime in the Soviet Union

Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

The Reality of the Stalin Regime in the Soviet Union
Russia had developed several problems, and Stalin realized that he had to solve two main issues first. One was that there was not enough food for the USSR and the peasants were not producing adequate funds to advance the industry sector. Two, the industrial sector in Russia was not rapidly developing, which slowed the country’s development into a communist superpower. Stalin’s Soviet Union embraced peace, improvement, and mostly endless care for and loyalty to Stalin. Centuries have passed, and generations still regard him as a fortunate and inspirational leader. Through his era, Russia developed to a significant industrial state by 1939 and her development was unequaled in the time of the Depression in the U. S and Western Europe, which recorded an enormous increase in the unemployment rate (Cheremukhin, Anton, Mikhail Golosov, Sergei Guriev, and Aleh Tsyvinski 3). Although the citizens suffered significantly through Stalin’s sovereignty, they were dependable to him, and Stalin’s situation as leader was always in power. The people loved him, he brought prosperity to the people, and he cared for them,
Stalin’s care for his people could be seen when he accomplished improved working terms for well-rewarded skilled employees, and the country recorded a low unemployment rate in his time. Those employees who never offended the nation had a better life than those workers under the supremacy…

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