reading respond

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reading respond

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Reading Response
Reading Response
Working conditions in Canada have improved significantly and this is underlined by the government’s commitment to enforcing union conditions. Indeed, workers during the 1990s could have a rest for a day if they worked 40 to 48 hours. If workers perceived that the working conditions were unfair, they could organize strikes and call for change. Moreover, the working conditions were unfavourable for women as they were paid less than men. However, family working during this time was tough as a minimum wage earner could not support their dependents and they classified below the national poverty line. However, the working conditions are now better as the minimum wage has improved. Additionally, women are now paid similar wages to men, but disparities still exist. There is also an increased representation of minority groups in the workplace. Despite these improvements, there are still aspects that need improvement.
In the 1930s, working conditions in Canada were underwhelming as people earned low wages while companies generated profits. However, during World War II, Canadians started a fight for better working conditions. It all started with struggles in small towns and areas that had a sense of community whereby a party was formed to advocate for workers’ rights. Although the success of the party was short-lived it laid the ground for future struggles in the 1940s. Indeed, in 1941, the federal government introduced …

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