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Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

The fears and dreams that expressed in Butsch’s public discourses about radio
There are several fears and dreams expressed in Butsch’s public discourse about radio, some of which are still prevalent to date. One of the fears was that the increases in the radio programming would have major effects on the children. The societal leaders and the middle class held misinformed beliefs that the radio programming, including thrillers on the radio, would cause anxiety and nightmares to the preadolescentsCITATION Ric00 p 232 l 1033 (Butsch 232). Most of these fears came from the elites and the middle class. A majority feared that the radio programs aired in the evening before bedtime had distorted information to the children that would make them have nightmares in their sleep. These fears may have been driven by the societal fear of losing their influence on these children. The easier way to deal with this fear was to discredit the radio programs and force the programmers to develop the program that would conform to the cultural elite’s views. The fear of radio programs affecting the children was also founded on the type of programs offered on the radio. Most of the children programs were meant to excite the children based on fairy tales to attract a large crowd of listeners. These programs may not have been fully developed to assist the preadolescents in their development.
The dream of the radio becoming a tool of cultural influence and spreading …

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