purpose of life.

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purpose of life.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Why is it so hard to find your purpose of life?
According to McKnight and Kashdan, the purpose is an essential self-organizing aim in life that helps individuals organize and stimulate goals, manage their behaviors, and develop a sense of meaning (242). Finding one’s purpose in life is not an easy task. In many cases, the true purpose is in fact realized in unexpected ways. While some people discover their purpose much earlier in their lives, other people struggle for years trying to figure out why they continue to exist. Furthermore, many people achieve their purpose in life but do not realize that they have. It is difficult to realize one’s purpose of life and integrate it into the daily activities that continue to hamper my conviction that I have achieved it.
It has been hard to find my purpose of life mainly because I have not properly understood what it means to have a purposeful life and the benefits that come with it. The difficulty may have been propelled by the absence of role models and individuals that would lead the way and help me monitor my progress towards its realization. Furthermore, I have developed little understanding of the benefits of realizing one’s purpose of life. However, over the last few weeks, I have developed greater desire towards the understanding of one’s purpose in life and finding ways in which I could work towards the realization of the purpose of my life. By realizing the benefits of leading a pur…

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