Public Administration

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Public Administration

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Public Administration

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Public Administration
Public Administration
The most pressing issue in Question A is racism. Racism is the most pressing issue in the United States. This is because the US is home to many races and as such conflicts are bound to arise as each race strives to have an equal opportunity. The least pressing of the issues is economic instability as the US has one of the strongest economies in the world due to its vast industries in all sectors of the economy (Simon, 2015). Racism is one issue that likely is most to be acted upon because of the negative impacts brought by racism. Economic instability is the least likely to be acted upon by the Congress in future.
The most pressing issue in Question B is the human rights issue. This is because of the increased number of human violation cases in the world (Simon, 2015). The least pressing issue is the women’s issue because women have been empowered through the various movements in the world. The human rights issue is the most likely to be acted upon by the Congress in future while women’s is the least likely to be acted upon in future.
The most likely to be acted upon by the two selection is the human rights issue, and the least likely to be addressed by the Congress is the economic instability issue.
The war on Marijuana has been a waste of time. This is because different states have different views on this substance should be handled (Duckworth, 2015). Some states and some districts for instance Columb…

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