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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275


Question 1: Modalities
Several treatment modalities exist, but Group Therapy is more effective with women of any culture than men. The reason for this is that women can adapt more easily to changing environmental conditions than men. Group therapy involves putting people of different cultures together to decrease their sense of isolation, offer psychological support, and enhance their social skills (Schwarzbaum & Thomas, 2008). The process is less costly and limits most of the factors that may impede individuals from responding to therapeutic measures. Unlike women, men of different cultures find it hard to intermingle and get used to each other because they are generally more aggressive than women.
Question 2: Barriers
Several factors impede the pursuit of mental health services. As discussed in the article, these barriers may range from cultural, economical to practical barriers. Practical barriers may include the cost of treatments, language problems, time constraints, and lack of knowledge of the access. Cultural barriers, on the other hands, include the lack of recognition of the need for treatment, uncertainty regarding the credibility of treatment, and fear of losing face. There are also other barriers, such as stigma, complex logistical concerns, need for medical confidentiality, lack of perceived relevance, and ethic of self-reliance. Besides, there are cultural beliefs that influence how people respond to…

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