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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Industrial Psychology Analysis
Industrial Psychology analyzes and studies human behavior within the workplace and how the behavior impacts overall production and job performance (Jansen et al. 13). There are four separate topics within the field to present a clear picture of how workplaces influence physiological behavior (Ohly & Schmitt 15). Specialized knowledge, skills and procedures, problems within the workplace, and populations served by the work determine the role of psychology in predicting workplace actions.
Specialized knowledge is a topic to cover criteria and small group theories within workplace dynamics (Guyton et al. 471). Two essential questions on the subject matter are how individuals work together in group settings to complete a task and how individuals process rules and procedures for work (Lord et al. 434). The questions provide compressed data on workplace functions to analyze and manipulate in studies on specialized knowledge within companies to determine how industries manage employee time and skill sets (Lord et al. 435).
Skills and procedures determine development and training to help employees maximize a company’s efforts and balance their family dynamics with work commitments (Marsh 326). Emotional development ensures employees buy into a company’s mission with an emphasis on the family being significant too (Marsh 327). Problems within the workplace indicate the need for manipulation to address prop…

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