Pros and Cons of Using Facebook like Environment for Work in the Organization

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Pros and Cons of Using Facebook like Environment for Work in the Organization

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Leadership

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Pros and Cons of Using Facebook like Environment for Work in the Organization
The use of the Facebook-like environment in an organization is dependent on several factors that should be taken into consideration. For example, the use should determine the organization communication objectives (Turban and Lai 79). Besides, the use should consider what the organization needs to attain and the person to handle the Facebook page. Some of the pros include the online access to the biggest potential audiences. Facebook helps to update customers with interactive and useful contents. The Facebook like environment in an organization is not without cons. For instance, social media remains a strong medium that requires management policies to be put in place (Stewart 226). Additionally, Inadequate interaction is likely to reflect poorly on the organization.
My organization acknowledges that a Facebook like workplace is essential for the organization to enhance and improve communication (Khosrow 211). Ideally, the workplace through Facebook seems a collaborative platform that integrates the Facebook interface within the enterprise to offer familiar features and tools such as Live Video, Groups, Chat, and News Feed among others. Therefore, the Facebook technology has enabled the organization to make quick decisions, collaborate better, and move faster. The Facebook like work in the organization has enhanced information sharing…

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