Project Proposal

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Project Proposal

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Project Proposal
The police department plays a significant part in ensuring that the community is safe. Throughout the years nevertheless, the public, as well as academics, have aired their worries on the subject of racial segregation, police force, and internal corruption as well as other forms of misbehavior by the police departments. This paper will analyze the subject of police brutality through the lens of disproportionate violence against the African-American civilians. This paper will focus on the black community and examine the racial profiling that is done by the police department on these particular groups of people. Additionally, by stating the issues and causes of police brutality, we will be able to formulate appropriate solutions that can be used to end the use of force by the police on civilians. Some of the solutions include training, change of governance and strict policies. In addition, the public and institutions such as Black Lives Matters should enhance awareness by educating the public on their human rights and the need to speak up about police brutality they have experienced.
Keywords: police brutality, racial profiling, civilians, violence
Project Proposal
The police department plays a crucial role in the society. They act as the protectors and ensure the safety of all individuals. All through the years nonetheless, civilians, as well as scholars, have raised concerns on the matters of police brutality, racial prejud…

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