project planning

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project planning

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Why I Wish to be in the Planning Phase
All the processes in the project phases are essential, and for a successful venture, they all must be accorded the necessary weight. Being in management, I would choose to be in the planning phase of designing the new Samsung cell phone as some of the steps like execution require technicians and professionals with the prerequisite know-how. The gadgets released by Samsung Inc., are market-oriented and consumer specific. As stated above, planning is as sensitive as the other phases in any venture and as the old saying goes “failure to plan, is planning to fail.” It thus means that if the project is to succeed, then adequate care should be given to the planning phase of the project. The roles handled in the firm also place me at an advanced level to understand what the project requirements, the expected results, the risks involved, and the project scope to sufficiently provide a blueprint to be followed regarding the required time, the control activities and concluding the project.
Additionally, planning requires such an individual with adequate time at their disposal so that they can lay a strong foundation for the other steps. The time will be enough to identify the stakeholders, to break down the project into different tasks, create task-goals in tandem with the overall project objective, and to schedule the timeline for completion of the works (Serrador pr. 5) I have enough time, the capacity a…

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