Professional Knowledge and Skill Reflection

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Professional Knowledge and Skill Reflection

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professional Knowledge and Skill Reflection

My program of study at Capella has afforded me the competence to be an active practitioner in the field of psychology. From learning to articulate my arguments to understanding people and society at a granular level, allowing the practical application of my learned skills in the field. Psychology experts have to have a command of research methodologies and data analysis that enable the implementation of best practice in the area. These skills were conferred to me via the various courses that covered statistical reasoning and mathematical concepts concerning discrete data. Moreover, practical communication skills are a crucial skill that this course allowed me to absorb as I studied individuals and society in all aspects that influence their behaviors. An in-depth comprehension of the factors that promote decision-making in people gives extensive insight into the variables that their psychological well-being is structured on a daily basis. Having such skills allows one to have creative and critical decision-making in practice. Moreover, this course gave me a broad perspective of issues as I learned about economics, the healthcare system and the politics surrounding it. It also emphasized the value of ethics in one’s practice and the responsibility that psychologists, as social workers, have towards their clients while observing such ethics. Finally, the use of best practice as dictated by empirical evidence …

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